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8th Grade Placement Exam

7th grade practice test

2026 Date TBA
8 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
$15 test fee

Please email Donna Smith at if you are still interested in testing, but missed the 2025 test date!

This exam is for current 8th-grade girls. 

Eighth graders should arrive no later than 8:00 a.m. with two #2 pencils. No calculator is needed for this test. Please use the main entrance. 

Parents and guardians are invited to return at 10:45 a.m. for a parent information session with President Michele Ernst and Principal Susie Sullivan. Topics discussed will include tuition assistance, scholarship opportunities, admissions timeline, application process, and Marian's mission & traditions. 

The initial step for an 8th-grade student wishing to apply to Marian High School is to take a placement exam. Scholarships awarded to students are based on test scores taken at Marian High School.