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Soccer Field

Crusader Athletics

Marian’s Athletic Program is an integral component of the student athlete’s overall experience at Marian. While the immediate objective of the athletic competition is to win, our challenge as educators and coaches is to prepare students for winning and losing gracefully with the full understanding of the broader purpose of sports: which is to develop a balanced Christian woman. The values of teamwork, leadership, work ethic, respect, accountability, perseverance and self-control are among the many Christian values the athletic department staff strives to instill in Marian’s student athletes.

The opportunities for personal growth and achievement are abundant in the athletic arena. The athletic department goal is not only to provide a wide variety of athletic experiences but also to help each young woman and each team to have opportunities to reach a high level of success defined by progress and winning.

Information for Athletes

Rochelle Rohlfs

Rochelle Rohlfs

Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Melissa Brusnahan

Melissa Brusnahan

Head Athletic Trainer/Asst. to Athletic Director
Jake Moore

Jake Moore

Teacher, Business Electives & Asst Athletic Director
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