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Why Marian? 

A Marian education is an investment that lasts a lifetime. Outstanding academics, rich spirituality, and ongoing opportunities to develop confidence and leadership skills will guide you from eager freshman to independent, college-bound graduate.  You’ll meet girls from all over Omaha, expand your circle of friends and develop an enduring sisterhood with your class.

There is a place for everyone at Marian, and we can’t wait to have you here! To reserve your place in our incoming freshman class or to transfer to Marian, see the guidelines below.

 Marian is a safe space, and there is a place for everyone. Even though you didn’t go to a private catholic school, everyone is new to the high school experience and is meeting new people. There is a place for everyone at Marian, and that is one the beauties of this school.
Erin Cramer '27Elkhorn Ridge Alumna

Incoming Freshmen

In the Archdiocese of Omaha, all Catholic high schools administer a Placement Test on the second Saturday in January. At Marian, the placement exam results are used to award academic scholarships and place each student in appropriate freshman courses. Last year we awarded nearly 40 academic scholarships to incoming freshmen. If a student does not take the placement exam at Marian, she may need to take additional testing. 

If your student did not take the placement exam but would still like to enroll for their freshmen year, please reach out to Assistant Principal, Jen Christen.

Application Information

  • Take Scholarship & Placement Exam on Jan. 11, 2025.
  • Review the admissions folder that you'll receive at the placement exam. Complete your required paperwork by Jan. 24, 2025.
  • Marian acceptance letters will be mailed on Feb. 6, 2025.
  • Attend the pre-registration meeting for incoming freshmen and their parents on Feb. 18, 2025.
  • Register for the Class of 2029 on Feb. 24, 2025.
  • Apply for tuition assistance, if needed, by March 1, 2025. More information on tuition assistance can be found here.
Katy Core

Katy Core

Director of Recruitment
Jen Christen

Jen Christen

Assistant Principal/Dean of Student Services

Guidelines for Transfer Students

High school students who are interested in transferring to Marian must have a parent contact the Assistant Principal for specifics on transferring. The transfer process requires that you:

  • Submit transcripts and any standardized test scores from your current school. 
  • Schedule a visit day.
  • Submit the transfer admissions recommendation form (completed by current high school) along with transcripts and any standardized test scores.
  • Interview with the assistant principal.
  • Register for classes and pay the $350 registration fee.

Admissions Policy

Marian is a Catholic educational community open to academically qualified girls who uphold the philosophy and mission of Marian High School. Entrance tests and transfer evaluations are part of the admissions criteria. All curricular and course requirements apply to each girl who aspires to a Marian diploma.