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Haddix Academic Center

To support the academic success of every girl, Marian continues to invest in people, programs and facilities. Modeled after university libraries, the Haddix Academic Center provides an accessible, open space for students to engage in research, study and collaboration. Here your daughter will have multiple options for academic enrichment, with access to digital resources, quiet study corners, group meeting space and the support of full-time staff.

The Library Collection

The library provides both physical and electronic materials; the librarian and library staff are available to assist students and teachers in locating and using the materials.

  • Students have access to a rich in-house collection as well as access to a shared digital library collection through Follett Destiny and SORA. 

  • For research needs, the Marian library also provides university-level databases throughout the school year. 

  • Marian Library Resources Course in Canvas provides a wealth of  information on how students may access these excellent resources. 

The library subscription databases include full-text magazine and newspaper articles, literary criticism, social issues position articles, multimedia files and tools within the databases to help students’ research efforts. There are a variety of print and electronic materials available to students as they prepare for college, including ACT, SAT and AP practice tests.

Library Services

  • Individual, small group, all class instruction on research methods, technology, presentations, project work, etc. 

  • Study rooms and meeting rooms for patrons and stakeholders - reservations must be made through the librarian or library staff

  • Technology equipment available for checkout upon request

  • Creation Station maker space room is available for student use

  • Printer and stand-alone computers

Freshman Seminar

To support students as they transition to a college prep curriculum, all freshmen participate in a noncredit seminar program. The four components of this program are study skills, library research skills, finals preparation and digital citizenship. The skills and habits established at Marian serve our students both at the high school and university level. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Organizational strategies for electronic systems
  • Navigating Marian’s software programs
  • Researching databases
  • Digital citizenship
  • Citing resources
  • Test preparation
  • Creating a finals study plan

Extracurricular Opportunities

The Haddix Academic Center is a popular meeting space for many clubs, groups and organizations.  

Readers' Advisory Club

The Readers' Advisory Club meets to discuss and recommend books. We share our likes and dislikes, choose a book to read together, host contests, & promote reading. 

Haddix study room

Library Hours

Monday through Friday
7 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. most days

  • Closed after school on early dismissal days.
  • Additional hours changes will be announced via the daily announcements.

Students can access all Marian library resources directly through their Canvas account.

Desktop computers in Haddix
Molly Raabe

Molly Raabe
