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Rooted in the liberal arts tradition, the goal of the Marian English Department is to help students attain a global perspective through the study of and exposure to great writing and literature. Marian English courses emphasize language as a powerful tool for thinking, learning and communicating. 



Students who successfully complete a Marian English course will be able to:

  1. Read a wide selection of challenging work from various genres, time periods, authors and perspectives.
  2. Demonstrate understanding, interpretation and analysis of assigned texts using content-specific terminology.
  3. Engage with assigned texts through meaningful conversation and annotation.
  4. Write in a number of rhetorical modes and literary styles for a variety of audiences.
  5. Apply the revision and editing process, including the mechanics and conventions of academic writing.
  6. Apply MLA formatting and style guidelines to assigned writing.
  7. Demonstrate an improvement in vocabulary and grammar skills.
  8. Communicate ideas and voice confidently in interpersonal settings and presentations.
  9. Cultivate intellectual curiosity through critical thinking, research and problem solving.
  10. Discern the validity, credibility and reliability of information from a variety of sources.
  11. Utilize technology creatively, ethically and responsibly.
  12. Practice personal leadership through self-advocacy, initiative, responsibility and accountability.


Students are required to take eight semesters of English classes.

Courses Offered

View Our Curriculum 

A powerhouse: Omaha Marian High School wins another vocabulary state championship

It’s a quantifiable fact: Marian High School students know the most words among Nebraska’s schools.


English Department Faculty

Susie Sisson

Susie Sisson

Chair, English
Amy Bauman

Amy Bauman

Teacher, English
Aleecia Cotton

Aleecia Cotton

Teacher, English
Megan Gillespie

Megan Gillespie

Teacher, English
Marsha Kalkowski

Marsha Kalkowski

Teacher, English & Journalism
Renee McGill

Renee McGill

Teacher, English
Halli Tripe

Halli Tripe

Teacher, English & Fine Arts

Honor Societies

National English Honor Society

The National English Honor Society (NEHS), founded and sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, is the only international organization exclusively for secondary students and faculty who, in the field of English, merit special note for past and current accomplishments. Marian’s chapter, the first in the state of Nebraska, was founded in 2008. The Marcella Chapter is named in honor of Marian’s first principal, Sr. Marcella Sitzman, O.S.M. Every spring qualified juniors are inducted into the Marcella Chapter of NEHS. To become a member of NEHS, a Marian student must earn an A (93% or higher) in five semesters of required English courses.

The NEHS motto, "gelast sceal mid are," is Old English for "duty goes with honor." The motto represents one of the earliest forms of our language – it affirms and celebrates an obligation to use one's gifts in service to others. In keeping with the national motto, the Marian chapter has an annual service project: the Marcella Writing Center. 

The Marcella Writing Center is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings in the Student Services Department to answer questions about writing papers. Students who may be struggling with MLA formatting, embedded citations, Works Cited pages, or direct and indirect quotations are encouraged to stop in the writing center. A senior, who is a member of NEHS, will be available to work with students. The NEHS members will not help write the papers or essays but will answer technical questions and direct students to places where the students could find the answers to their questions.


Summer Reading Program

Reading great literature is the cornerstone of a Marian education. It is the goal of the Marian English Department to provide an abundance of opportunities for our students to actively engage with classical and contemporary works of literature, both during the school year and during summer break. Through the Summer Reading Program, Marian students will read popular and engaging works of literature. By participating in classroom discussions and other projects, they will develop the skills necessary for lifelong learning, and they will become part of Marian’s community of readers.


Camera from behind- student writing in binder notebook